The Experience To Get You Through This

Accomplished Defense Lawyers For Drug Trafficking Charges

State and federal officials aggressively pursue drug trafficking arrests and push for the harshest possible penalties. When the charges are serious, people turn to the trusted defense lawyers at Howie Law Office, PLLC, in Salem, New Hampshire, and Andover and Woburn, Massachusetts. Our criminal defense lawyers have extensive experience defending clients against trafficking accusations and other serious drug crime charges.

Defending You On All Fronts

If convicted of drug trafficking, you face mandatory state prison time and a wide range of other consequences. Your assets could be seized via civil forfeiture. You could lose your right to own a firearm or hold a professional license. If you are not a U.S. citizen, a conviction will result in your deportation.

This is why it is so important to enlist the services of an experienced drug crime defense lawyer as soon as possible. Even if the deck seems stacked against you, there are defense strategies we can use to give you the best possible chance of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Our attorneys can protect your rights in the criminal justice system and provide you with knowledgeable guidance regarding any civil penalties you may face. We are on your side and will fight for the best possible outcome, whether that is dismissal of charges, reduced charges, alternative sentencing or acquittal by jury.

You Don’t Have To Face This Charge Alone

Have you been accused of drug trafficking in New Hampshire or Massachusetts? Our attorneys are here to help you understand your rights and options. To arrange your free criminal law consultation please contact our law offices online or by telephone at 603-893-8008 in New Hampshire or 978-853-0982 in Massachusetts.

Serving New Hampshire & Massachusetts
Since 1992