If you want to divorce your spouse, then it is your right to do so. You only have one life, and if you feel you are wasting it with them, you should do what you need to change things.
Yet, many people struggle to break the news to their partners. There are sometimes valid reasons to worry. For example, you might worry about a violent reaction from your spouse, be unsure whether you are making the right decision, or maybe you just don’t want to hurt them. However, if you want things to change, then tell them you must.
Here are some tips to guide you toward a good time to tell them:
Make sure it is safe to do so
If they’re violent, a safe time will be when you are out of reach, perhaps breaking the news by phone or even via your attorney.
Choose a time when you are not doing something that requires concentration. Announcing your wish to divorce through the intercom as you ride behind them on the back of a motorcycle might lead to a crash that ends your lives rather than your marriage.
Be considerate
They probably won’t like you for divorcing them, but they will like you even less if you ruin a big day for them. Don’t tell them on their birthday, as they are walking out of the door for a dream job interview or about to sit their final exam.
Consider delaying until you have researched options
While they might get upset if they believe you have been planning this moment for a long time, some preparation is useful. Consider sorting out alternative accommodation and setting some money aside first. Above all, consider learning more about how divorce works.