It can cost a lot to purchase certain prescription medications. Pain relief, for example, has notoriously been quite costly. The introduction of synthetic opioid medications has reduced the cost of pain control drugs while also increasing the available supply.
Despite the increased prevalence of these medications, there are many people who want them but cannot legally access them. Especially with the state adopting a digital prescription system to reduce fraud, those dependent on opioids may want to purchase your leftover pain medication.
When a neighbor or a coworker asks to buy the fentanyl you didn’t require after your surgery, it may seem like a quick way to earn some extra cash. What you may not realize is that you could face drug trafficking charges over a handful of pills.
New Hampshire has strict rules for narcotic drugs
There has been a surge in people dependent on narcotic pain relievers and even turning to heroin because of their chemical dependence in recent years. New Hampshire has attempted to update its criminal code to deter people from supplying the unregulated market with narcotic pain medication.
Anyone who gets caught transferring a fentanyl class drug could face drug trafficking charges. Just five grams of the medication could be enough to lead to up to 30 years in prison and $500,000 in fines. Other Schedule II medications and lower quantities of fentanyl class drugs could result in up to 20 years in prison and $300,000 in fines.
Although you may think that you have a compelling explanation and can avoid the worst-case consequences, many judges and prosecutors currently want to look tough on drugs as the opioid crisis continues. You could very well face the maximum penalties depending on the circumstances.
There are many ways to defend against drug charges
Hindsight is 2020. If you didn’t realize the risk involved when you agreed to give someone your leftover pills, you may find yourself facing criminal accusations. Rather than pleading guilty and putting yourself at the mercy of the courts regarding sentencing, it may be a better choice to defend yourself.
After you review the evidence the state has against you, it may be possible to challenge the evidence or create a reasonable doubt about whether or not you broke the law. Learning more about state laws can help those hoping to defend themselves against pending drug charges.